Sprinkles Sparkles

July 26, 2024

Hello. Recently, I've been thinking about remodeling my room, but here is the problem: MY ROOM IS A MESS!!!! Literally, I have so much stuff to get rid of: books, clothes I don't wear anymore, trash, artwork on my walls, etc. ...and trash again >:( Yeah, you wouldn't expect me to be this honest about the current condition of my room, but remember that I try my best to be as transparent as I can in this blog. But hey, it doesn't really take that long to get rid of all that stuff on the ground if I don't focus on organizing things while cleaning.

I'm thinking about remodeling my room to something awesome. I'll tell you the theme after it is remodeled.

You know what kinda aggrevates me? It's the fact that whenever you have to repaint walls, you have to move furniture to another room. I think it would definitely be worth it, though. I wanna try to paint my own walls for the first time, but I'm not sure if I will get the permission to.

I've been playing a lot of World Neverland: Elnea Kingdom on my phone, recently. :D I got the game four years ago, but every once in a while, I would spend a lot of time playing the game, then stop after a few days, go back on it months later, repeat. It's really fun, so if you haven't played yet, you're missing out :(

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